Saturday 19 July 2014

Moth Breakfast- August 16th at 8:45 am.

Join us for a moth breakfast with expert David Harding of Court Lodge Farm. 
David will be putting his moth trap out on the evening of Friday 15th August, we are then inviting you to come and investigate the contents of the trap on Saturday morning from 9-10am.  David will then identify the moths in the trap, and tell us all about each moth that we find.
Followed by a special breakfast menu in the café for everyone who attends the moth catch.
 Breakfast served until 11:30 am.
Get to the nursery for 8:45 am.
Call Helen on 01323 833229 for more info.  
N.B Booking for moth presentation is not essential, but please book for a table in the café if you wish to have breakfast- thank you. 

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